a runner’s mind


Today, I  worked on my chemistry homework during my open block  (Everyday Italian always seems to somehow consume my free period…). I am so happy I chose to complete my homework then; now I get to spend my after-cross-country-meet-evening blogging and relaxing!!

Here’s a little insight into my running mind…

The Solon Cross-Country Team hosted its home meet today at the Solon Recreation Area. I felt ready for the race; even better, I was excited (something I usually don’t experience before cross-country meets; I think the feeling of excitement was a sign of how I have enjoyed, and battled, this cross-country season). I had experienced only a few patches of nervousness throughout the day, but I was trying to remain positive about the race. As I warmed up,  I repeated my running mantra to myself, “I will have a good race today…I will have a good race today.” No matter what time, I will run my best & give my best effort; most importantly, I’ll run for me.

As the JV Girls’ team lined up on the starting line, I breathed in and out, in and out, trying to keep relaxed. This point in the race is always the most nerve-racking for me; once I actually start the race, all I have to do is run. Sooner rather than later, the gun was shot and the race was on! In my first lap (or first mile), I always try to run smart, or as Coach Dall would say, run with your head. As I was running, I was grateful that the sun had begun its descent on the horizon, and a light, cool breeze brushed against my face.  I passed the first mile marker, at 7:34. A bit faster than my normal pace, but that was okay–I just needed to keep a steady, strong pace and run the second half with my heart. It might sound a little corny, but really, the second lap is where you have to dig deep and keep putting one foot in front of the other.

One of the great things about cross-country is that there is almost always a teammate, parent, relative, friend, coach or random Solonite cheering for you on the course. The encouraging words of these people helped me push myself on my second lap (thanks so much for coming Sara, Jeremy, and Mrs. P!). At the 2 mile marker, I only had half a mile to go! This is the spot where I knew I needed to increase my pace, and in the words of Emeril, kick it up a notch!” My pace increased, and…Keep running, keep running, pick it up a little more with a quarter-mile to go, crest up the hill–don’t rest!, push, finish strong, dig, dig, dig, DONE!

Whew. I think one of the best parts of the race is  finishing. There is such a feeling of accomplishment and relief. I thought I had a great race; I had run strong. Although I didn’t make my time goal, I had run smart & I ran with my heart. There is always something to improve upon for the next meet! The team had a successful meet, and everyone ran a great race!

Running is something that can anyone can do (I heard somewhere that every person has the gene for distance running!). If you haven’t tried it, or are a bit intimidated, I encourage you to give it a whirl. It is challenging, but I have yet to experience a greater feeling of accomplishment.

Switching gears, my calculus teacher is assigning a long-term reading assignment. He has asked us to read the article “A Mathematician’s Lament” by Paul Lockhart and respond in some way. The article is about today’s instruction of mathematics. I have decided to read it piece by piece, and share my thoughts on the blog. Here is a link if you’d like to read it, too (it’s about 25 pages long): “A Mathematician’s Lament” by Paul Lockhart.

I enjoy so much sharing my thoughts here on la vida de frida. Thanks for reading!


One response »

  1. Abby, I admire your tenacity with CC & your passion for the challenge! I am proud to share the same last name as you:) Keep up the quest for Abby!!
    Much Love to You

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